CH.CandyLand's Hayden at D Square
Hayden is out of Ch CandyLand's Coconut Crumpet and Ch CandyLand's Bustre Bar.  Haydn finished in Louisville.
CH CandyLand's D Square Carmina Burana
Carmen is out of Ch CandyLand's Coconut Crumpet and Ch CandyLand's Buckeye. She is shown here going winner's bitch and Best Bred By Exhibitor where she went on to take a group one. Carmen finished today 4-15 with a four point major for 3 major wins!
CH. CandyLand's Gummy Squiggles
Ross is out of Ch CandyLand's Gummy Bear and Schoss' Sophie of CandyLand. Ross is seen here picking up his second major in Syracuse. He finished in Terre Haute with FOUR MAJOR WINS!
CH. CandyLand's OH Henry
Henry is out of Ch CandyLand's Jelly Belly and Ch ShorLine's Pumpkin Bumpkin. Henry finished his championship at just 12 months of age with 3 major wins. Henry is off to a great start as a "SPECIAL" taking several BOB and group placements at just 14 months of age!
CH. CandyLand's Peppermint Patty
Can. CH CandyLand's Woodcreek Phoebe
Phoebe is out of Ch CandyLand's Coconut Crumpet and Ch CandyLand's Buckeye. Phoebe takes WB two days in Madison OH and a BOB over finished specials! Phoebe picks up two more points in Salem.
CH. CandyLand's Whatchamacalit
Oscar is out of Ch CandyLand's Coconut Crumpet and Ch CandyLand's Buckeye. Oscar takes Best of Winners in Alabama today for 2 more points. Oscar picks up a FOUR point major today (5-15-05) in Conn. Oscar takes WD and BOW in Perry for a total of 12 points. Oscar finished with a FOUR point major in Marietta Ga today 10-28-05!
Phoebe and Perry win BIG in Canada!
CH. CandyLand's EM & EM
Emily is out of Ch CandyLand's Tim Tam and Ch CandyLand's Buckeye. Emily picks up her first points in Madison OH and goes BOB over specials and then on to a group 4! 
Emily picks up a 3 pt. major in Salem VA. Emily finished with a 4 pt. major in Ft. Wayne and went BOS!
CH.CandyLand's Almond Butterscotch
NEWSFLASH! Andie finishes in Columbus with another HUGE 5 pt. major and goes BOW and BOB over ranked specials! Andie is out of Schoss' Sophie of CandyLand and Ch CandyLand's Clark Bar. He just picked up a huge 5 pt. major in Ft. Wayne!
New Champions in 2005
Thanks to all of you that helped finish of our lovely dogs in AKC and one Canadian champion. It was another wonderful year for CandyLand Pugs.